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November 28,2023
RE: End of Year 2023
WID Tax due date extended to December 12, 2023
June 4, 2023
RE: Mid-year 2023 tax due date
June 8, 2021
RE: Safety and Lake Activities During Dredging Operations- Trustee Recommendation and
Proposal to the THA Board
The Trustees discussed at length with C&M’s Project Manager the safety and lake recreational activities during dredging operations in each of the five coves.
C&M reiterated, and the Trustees acknowledge, no watercraft should be permitted on the lake while dredging equipment remains functioning in the lake. Once the dredge equipment, the equipment on the barge and the barge are made secure and cordoned off, i.e. turbidity curtain at the dam, and the piping from the dredge to the dam are removed, watercraft would then be allowed on the lake while waiting for demobilization of the equipment from the lake.
With respect to other activities, the Trustees and C&M acknowledged the safety of the residents of the lake is of primary importance. Thus when dredging is occurring in a cove, the area to include the barge and the dredge is cordoned off, no activity except fishing off a person’s dock would be allowed. With the schedule outlined, this would mean people in Buffalo Creek Cove, while dredging occurring, would not be allowed to be in the lake, but could fish from their dock. Once dredge equipment moves back to Waterlick, for a short period, the dredging equipment and the barge would be cordoned off, and only fishing from docks would be allowed. No activity, except fishing from the dock, will be permitted in the cove where dredging activities are actually taking place.
C&M and the Trustees discussed the consideration of permitting individual in-water activities such as swimming, playing on floats and fishing is allowed in the areas where no dredging equipment or activity is taking place. There should be no watercraft on the lake until dredging equipment and the barge are cordoned off at the dam and the dredge piping is removed from the lake. Watercraft includes, but is not limited to pontoons, kayaks, row boats, canoes, paddle boats and boards, and hydrobikes.
In closing, the Trustees recognize the Board’s authority in making these important and difficult decisions.
Charles Falwell, Robert Lockridge, George Schrader